Bullhide FAQs

Bullhide FAQs:

What is distinctive about bullhide boots?

Bullhide, like bison, buffalo, shark, and elephant is very durable. However, bullhide tends to have less grain. The difference between a high grain and a low grain leather is that with a high grain leather, you can see more divots and differentiation in the hide, and they tend to have a rougher look. The great thing about bullhide is that it gives that same character, yet has a more finessed look. Additionally, bullhide is available in a wider variety of colors than your basic buffalo or sharkskin which is typically left to brown, black and grey.

How do I take care of my bullhide boots?

Like all custom cowboy boots, it is vital to take care of them to extend their lifespan. For starters, we recommend using Bick 1 as a leather cleaner and following up with Bick 4 to condition the leather. The conditioning is the most important part as it penetrates deep into the leather allowing the boot to stay supple and strong for years to come. Lastly, we strongly recommend placing cedar shoe trees in your boots at night. This absorbs harmful moisture that causes cracking, smooths out the lining and insoles for additional comfort, and keeps the shape of the vamps in place.